Peerless Specific Heat Khan Academy

This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.
Specific heat khan academy. Created by David SantoPietroWatch the next lesson. Calculating how much heat is needed to convert 200 g of ice at -10 degrees C to 110 degree steam. Condutividade térmica do metal e da madeira.
Não pois condução e convecção dependem de um meio material pra se propagar. Como não há meio material contínuo da superfície do Sol até a superfície da Terra a energia transportada até aqui é unicamente radiação. Esses fatores podem ser visualizados no diagrama abaixo.
These factors can be seen visually in the. A letra representa a quantidade de calor transferida em um tempo é a constante de condutividade térmica para o material é a área transversal do material que transfere calor é a diferença de temperatura entre um lado e outro do material e é a espessura do material. Lets talk about specific heat and the heat of fusion and vaporization lets say you had a container of some liquid and you wanted to increase the temperature youd probably add Heat but how much heat should you add theres a formula for it lets try to figure out what should go in here its going to depend on a few things for one its going to depend on how much you want to increase the.
The letter represents the amount of heat transferred in a time is the thermal conductivity constant for the material is the cross sectional area of the material transferring heat is the difference in temperature between one side of the material and the other and is the thickness of the material. Waters heat of vaporization is around 540 calg at 100 C waters boiling point.
Calor específico e calor latente de fusão e de vaporização. Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals. Its composition properties and reactivity.
Specific heat and phase changes. Defining specific heat heat of fusion and heat of vaporization. An explanation of how to determine the energy required to change the temperature of a substance.