Divine Ugc Net Physics Syllabus

The candidates who have the subject of Physical Sciences are advised to download the latest syllabus for the preparation.
Ugc net physics syllabus. Quantum Mechanics and Applications 4 4 12. Paper 2 will be subject based. CSIR UGC NET Syllabus 2020 Physical Science CSIR UGC NET June 2020 exam will be conduct by NTA on dates 21 June 2020.
Linear algebra matrices Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. Nuclear and Particle Physics. Due to the COVID-19 situation last year the December.
Below we have provided the list of 5 major topics that cover the higher marking weightage of Paper 1. Apart from these you must cover other topics as well to increase your scores in the exam. Download CSIR UGC NET Life Science Syllabus 2021 PDF.
Download CSIR UGC NET Earth Science Syllabus 2021 PDF. Mathematical Methods of Physics Classical Mechanics Electromagnetic Theory Quantum Mechanics Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics Electronics and Experimental Methods Atomic Molecular Physics Condensed Matter Physics Nuclear and Particle Physics. Here we have provided the latest CSIR NET syllabus for Physical Sciences.
CSIR NET Syllabus Physical Sciences 2021 UGC NET 2021 exam will be conducted by NTA in July 2021. All candidates with Physical Science subject are advised to download this latest syllabus before. A total of 100 subjects will be covered in the UGC NET Exam.
Syllabus N E T Subjects. Mathematical Methods of Physics Dimensional analysis. Analog Systems and Applications 4 4 11.