Best Current Electricity Formulae

Direct Current formulae do not use PF 2 or 173.
Current electricity formulae. Electro-static unit esu- 1 esu of current stat-ampere 1 esu of charge1 second. Units of electric current- a CGS. The SI unit of current is called ampere A coulombsecond.
Electricity has varied applications. Download CBSE Class 12 Physics Current Electricity Formulae in PDF format. Drift Velocity where is relaxation time E is Electric Field.
An ampere is equivalent to a charge of one Coulomb per second. All Revision notes for Class 12 Physics have been designed as per the latest syllabus and updated chapters given in your textbook for Physics in Standard 12. Revision Notes on Current Electricity-Current- Current strength in a conductor is defined as the rate of flow of charge across any cross section of the conductorI qt net.
Or q. The important notes of Physics for Current Electricity pdf. Ampere or amp is a unit of electric current denoted by AIt is named after the French Physicist and Mathematician Andre-Marie Ampere who is considered as the Father of Electrodynamics.
Current electricity formula sheet - Free download as PDF File pdf Text File txt or read online for free. Parallel arrangement Series arrangement. Three phase formulas do not use 2 For three-wire two phase circuits the current in the common conductor is 141 times the current in either of the other two conductors.
For non-uniform flow I dqdt. Current carriers in conductor are electrons valence es ions in electrolytes electrons holes in semiconductor and positive ions electrons in gases. 1 ampere 625 108 electrons sec In metallic conductors the current is due to the motion electrons whereas in electrolytes and ionized gases both electrons and positive ions move in opposite direction.